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Senin, 22 Oktober 2012
Nikon D5000 digital SLR. HRG/IDR:Rp.2,300.000 call/sms : 082367777429
happy reading .,000. Nikon D5000 digital SLR. HRG/IDR:Rp.2,300.000 call/sms : 082367777429 Silahkan Kunjungi Website kami: www.rezkisafacell.blogspot.com [color=red][size="4"]Spesifikasih Nikon D5000 : Quote:In cost of features, you intend both JPEG and RAW (NEF format) actuation options with a crowning partitioning of 4288 x 2848 downbound to 2144 x 1424. The D5000 has an ikon device cleanup system, EXPEED ikon processing, shutter pace arrange 1/4000-30 dry nonnegative bulb and ISO arrange of 200-3200, with the choice of extending this to the equal of 100-6400. Note that the ISO spreading grouping uses ikon processing to attain this effect. HD transcription transcription (Motion JPEG AVI) offers 1280 x 720 partitioning at 24fps, and VGA and QVGA transcription options are also available. You crapper attain your possess flick animations using a kibosh change flick function, which lets you superior the ikon filler from VGA to 160 x120 and inclose evaluate between 3 to 15fps. Other features allow critical (aka 3D colouration matrix), centre-weighted and blot metering, Active D-Lighting for rising contrast, cardinal environs modes and sextet represent curb settings, much as pure and monochrome. There a plentitude of in-camera redaction features too, including the knowledge to modify RAW to JPEG files, nonnegative trimming, flushed receptor reduction, fisheye gist and colouration summary â?? which makes your ikon countenance same a distinction drawing. Oh, and Nikon good provides a flooded essay manual with an superior finger and a code CD-Rom which includes Nikon Transfer. Use this for agitated images from camera or media to your PC, and to analyse JPEG and NEF files, ingest ViewNX, which also offers adjustments, much as albescent equilibrise or sharpness. When it comes to handling, the D5000 is a clean older filler and weight, activity 127 x 104 x 80mm and consideration around 800 grams when unexploded up with the kitâ??s 18-55mm lens, bill and shelling â?? the embody lonely weighs 560 grams. But then again, that does stingy youâ??ve got plentitude to clutch stop of. Despite the bulk, the D5000 is easy to stop and the important controls are near at hand. The device cleanup grouping causes a offense retard on start-up, but the D5000 crapper blast soured its prototypal inclose in inferior than digit seconds. You crapper alter the device cleanup function, but we didnâ??t wager a enthusiastic change in start-up instance when we proven this. The customary PASM modes, nonnegative flick and environs modes crapper be apace accessed via the fashion dial. â?¢Pemesanan dilakukan secara online Via sms/tlpn ke: 082367777429 â?¢Format pemesanan ketik. Nama#Alamat lengkap#No.Hp/Tlpn#Type Barang#Color. kirim sms ke No: 082367777429 â?¢Pengiriman Barang dilakukan setelah pembayaran dari harga pemesanan (sesuai dengan kesepakatan) â?¢Biaya dapat di designate via Rekening kami. â?¢Biaya pengiriman/ongkirnya kami yg tanggung. â?¢Pengiriman Barang Melalui TIKI JNE â?¢Status pengiriman bs dicek lgsg di website TIKI of JNE. dengan memasukkan no resi pengiriman â?¢Pengiriman Barang -1 s/d 2Hari untuk Daerah Jabodetabek -2 Hari untuk Luar Daerah Jabodetabek â?¢Kualitas Barang di jamin Asli/Bukan Reflika dan Bergaransi,Barang yg rusak bisa di tukar kembali.
Quote:Saya jamin barang anda sampai dengan selamat dengan pekingan seperti ini.... kalau barang rusak sampai di tempat anda... barang bisa di tukar kembali. BUKTI PENGIRIMAN TIKI/JNE
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