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Rabu, 28 November 2012
Jual camera CANON EOS 50D Kit Lens 18-55MM hrg.3,5jt hub/sms: 0817-184-704
Custom HTML AtasJual camera CANON EOS 50D Kit Lens 18-55MM hrg.3,5jt hub/sms: 0817-184-704
Detail Specifications Features New 15.1 Megapixel CMOS device with reinforced racket reduction, panoramic arrange ISO 100-3200 (H1: 6400, H2: 12800), 14-bit transmutation for uncreased colouration tones and gradations. Next procreation DIGIC 4 Image Processor for faster processing, 6.3 fps up to 90 JPEGS using UDMA CF cards; 60 serial JPEGS or 16 RAW using accepted CF cards. 3.0-inch Clear View LCD (920,000 dots/VGA) with binary coatings for reinforced watch and smudge-resistant protection. Enhanced Live View actuation includes Face Detection Live mode. 9 cross-type high-precision sensors for faithful direct person acquisition and diagonal edifice cross-type AF saucer with f/2.8 and faster lenses. New Lens Peripheral Illumination Correction environment to automatically modify the intelligence crossways the image. Updated EOS Integrated Cleaning System with a halogen color for meliorate status to dust. Creative Auto goes a travel beyond flooded machine with on concealment environment display. HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) production for displaying flooded high-resolution images on a High Definition TV. Compatible with over 60 Canon EF/EF-S lenses and most EOS System accessories. Model Type APS-C Digital SLR Max. Image Resolution 15.1 Megapixel Sensor 15.1 meg trenchant pixels 22.3 x 14.9 mm CMOS device 3:2 characteristic ratio Image Processor Canon DIGIC 4 Dust Reduction System Yes Automatic device cleanup Manual cleanup of device Automatic device cleanup Still Image Size 4752 x 3168 3456 x 2304 2352 x 1568 Still Image Formats JPEG, RAW (14-bit Canon original) sRAW, RAW+JPEG Lens Mount Canon EF / EF-S lense increase include EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Auto Focus 9-point CMOS device TTL-CT-SIR AF-dedicated CMOS device AF employed range: EV -0.5 â?? 18 (at 73°F/23°C, ISO 100) Auto Focus Modes AI Focus One Shot AI Servo Auto Metering System 35-zone TTL full-aperture metering Metering range: EV 0 â?? 20 (at 73°F/23°C with EF50mm f/1.4 USM lens, ISO 100) AE Lock and AE Bracketing Auto : Applied in One-Shot AF fashion with critical metering when pore is achieved Manual : By AE hair fix Exposure Compensation +/- 3 stops in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments ISO Sensitivity Automatically set: ISO 100 â?? 3200 (in 1/3-stop or 1-stop increments) Basic Zone modes: ISO 100 â?? 1600 ordered automatically Extension settable (with C.Fn.I-3-1): ISO 6400, ISO 12800 High Tone Priority settable: ISO 200 â?? 3200 Shutter Vertical-travel, mechanical, electronically-controlled, focal-plane shutter 1/8000 to 1/60 sec., 1/8000 to 30 sec. X-Sync: 1/250 dry Bulb White Balance Auto, Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, Tungsten Light, White Fluorescent Light, Flash, Custom, Color Temperature environment Viewfinder Eye-level pentaprism 95% inclose news Magnification: 0.95x (-1m-1 with 50mm lense at infinity) Eyepoint: 22 mm Dioptric adjustment: -3.0 to +1.0m-1 (diopter) Focusing concealment : Interchangeable (Ef-D: Grid lines, Ef-S {point of Focus), Ef-A accepted centering concealment provided LCD Monitor 3.0" 3:2 TFT LCD 920,000 pixels Coverage : Approx. 100% Internal Flash Auto pop-up E-TTL II machine winkle Guide sort 13/43 (at ISO 100 meters/feet) Flash news : 17mm focal size (equivalent to 27mm in 135 format) External Flash E-TTL II machine winkle with EX-series Speedlites Hot-shoe Live View Still picture actuation Quick fashion (Phase-difference detection) Live mode, Live grappling spotting fashion (Contrast detection) Evaluating metering with the ikon device (still photos) / Center-weighted cipher metering (movies) Magnify nonmandatory (5x or 10x at some saucer on the screen) Playback Live View actuation Remote Live View actuation (with a individualized machine installed with EOS Utility) Grid pass Evaluative metering with the ikon device Exposure model Storage Compact Flash (Type I or II), UDMA Connectivity USB 2.0 (Hi-Speed) Video OUT terminal: NTSC/PAL selectable HDMI mini OUT tangency Power Source Battery Pack LP-E5 Normal Shooting 73°F/23°C : No Flash : 800 50% Flash Use : 640 Dimensions (W x H x D) 145.5 x 107.8 x 73.5 mm Weight 730 g (body only) Warranty 1-year Limited Warranty by Authorized Distributor kamera DSLR Canon EOS 7D+18-55m Harga Rp.4.850.000,- Hub/sms; 0817-184-704
- Melayani Penjualan Untuk luar daerah Kondisi Kamera: â?¢ 100%Baru â?¢ New In Box (NIB) â?¢ Original â?¢ Tersegel â?¢ Garansi Resmi 1 tahun â?¢ Full Set Kelengkapan Kamera: â?¢ Kamera Canon EOS 7D Body â?¢ Lensa (18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS) â?¢ Dus â?¢ Body Cap â?¢ Strap Canon ( Tali ) â?¢ Kabel Data â?¢ CD â?¢ Battery â?¢ Charger â?¢ Kabel AV â?¢ Buku Manual â?¢ kartu garansi BONUS : MMC 4 GB Cara Transaksi / Belanja / Pemesanan :HUB/SMS: 0817-184-704 1. Pilih produk-produk yang anda inginkan Catat Produk yang akan di beli. 2. Format pemesanan ketik. Nama#Alamat lengkap#NO.Identitas#Type Barang#Color. SMS : 0817-184-704 3. Harga sudah termasuk ongkos kirim. Barang dikirim melalui JNE ([strip]) ke seluruh Indonesia. 4. Bagi pembeli yang mau engagement harus dengan DP 50% sebagai tanda serius, karena sudah banyak kasus yang mengatakan engagement tapi pada hari H nya ga jadi...akibatnya kami yang dirugikan. Barang tidak selalu primed have untuk semua item. 5. Silahkan anda mentransfer uang sejumlah amount belanja anda tersebut ke alamat rekening kami Bila Anda memerlukan informasi rekening bank, silahkan hubungi income consultan : SMS : 0817-184-704 6. Untuk lebih mempermudah identifikasi pembayaran anda, ada baiknya anda membayar dengan jumlah yang unik, misalnya 150.005,- 7. Konfirmasi Pembayaran : SMS : 0817-184-704 8. Anda akan diminta untuk mengisi data-data pengiriman.(pastikan anda memasukkan alamat pengiriman dengan benar, kesalahan alamat akan menyebabkan proses pelayanan kami akan terganggu) 9. Transfer Bank Anda dapat melakukan pembayaran dengan Transfer Bank secara penuh (lunas) sebelum barang dikirimkan. Mohon untuk tidak mentransfer atau melakukan pembayaran apapun ke rekening kami sebelum kami menghubungi anda untuk mengkonfirmasi. Setelah anda mentransfer, mohon untuk menghubungi kami untuk pemberitahuan gum dapat segera diproses. Pengiriman barang hanya akan dilakukan setelah pembayaran kami terima. â?¢ALAMAT TOKO KAMI : kompl. serendipitous plazaa blok. G C2 Batam/kepulauan Riau Hotline : 0817-184-704 (24 wad Online) JAMINAN GARANSI Kami memberikan jaminan garansi untuk semua produk yang dijual. Yakinlah semua produk yang anda beli dilengkapi dengan Sticker / Kartu Tanda Untuk menghindari modus penipuan yang sedang marak dalam belanja online, pastikan Anda berhati-hati dan tidak tertipu oleh pihak-pihak tertentu. Pemilik & Penanggung Jawab NAMA : Dr.H.MULYONO,SE SURAT IZIN USAHA PERDAGANGAN (SIUP) : NOMOR : 257/17.08/PK/IV.2009 SIUP DI ATAS TERDAFTAR DI Kep.RIAU UNTUK BERDAGANG SECARA JUJUR DAN MENHINDARI HAL-HAL YANG TIDAK DI INGINKAN BERSAMA Kuasa Hukum ERIS SUSANTO Custom HTML Bawah
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