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Kamis, 29 November 2012
KAMERA DIGITAL NIKON D7000 KIT DOUBLE LENSA 18-55VR hrga:4,7 jt Hub/sms: 0817-184-704
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spesifikasi NIKON D7000 Kit threefold lensa 18-55mm+55-300mm VR DX-Format Digital SLR,16.2 Megapixel, 3.0" LCD, SD/SDHC Card Slot, Bundling AF-S DX 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR Battery: EN-EL15 Lithium-ion Battery Sensor Size and Type: CMOS 23.6 x 15.6mm Max. Image Resolution: 16.2 Meapixels File Format: NEF (RAW), JPEG, L) 4928 x 3264, (M) 3696 x 2448, (S) 2464 x 1632 ISO Sensitivity: ISO 100 to 6400 in steps of 1/3 EV, Hi-1 (ISO-12,800 equivalent) in 1/3, 1/2 or 1 EV, Hi-2 (ISO 25600 equivalent), High ISO Noise Reduction, Long Exposure Noise Reduction Exposure Compensation: ±5 EV in increments of 1/3 or 1/2 EV White Balance: Auto (2 types), Incandescent, Fluorescent (7 types), Direct Sunlight. Flash, Cloudy, Shade, Preset drill (up to 5 values crapper be stored), Auto (TTL albescent equilibrise with 2,016-pixel RGB sensor), Fine Tune by physicist colouration temperature environment (2,500 K to 10,000K), Seven drill modes with fine-tuning, White Balance Bracketing : 2 or 3 exposures in increments of 1, 2 or 3 Movie Clips: MOV, 1,920 � 1,080 (24p); 24 fps, 1,280 � 720 (24p); 24 fps, 1,280 � 720 (30p); 30 fps, 640 � 424 (30p); 30 fps Viewfinder: Eye-level pentaprism single-lens dilatation viewfinder, Viewfinder Frame Coverage : 100%Approx, Viewfinder Magnification : 0.95x Approx, Viewfinder Eyepoint : 19.5mm, Viewfinder Diopter Adjustment : -3 to +1m'' Display Size: 3.0" Super Density Display Type and Resolution: 921,000 Dots Flash Modes: Front-curtain sync (normal), Slow sync, Rear-curtain sync, Red-eye reduction, Red-eye change with andante sync Storage Types: SD, SDHC, SDXC module cards, 2x Card Slot PC Connectivity: Hi-speed USB, NTSC, HDMI, Stereo Microphone Input, Audio/Video out Model Type: DX-Format Digital SLR Size (WxDxH)mm: 132 x 103 x 77mm Weight (Est): 690g (body only) Warranty: 1-year Limited Warranty by Authorized Distributor Other: Magnesium-alloy RP.4,7jt -CALL/SMS: 0817-184-704 Camera CANON PowerShot D10 hrg.1,3jt hub/sms: 0817-184-704
Detail Specifications Model Type Compact Sensor Resolution 12.1 Megapixel Sensor Size and Type DIGIC 4 (CCD) Max. Image Resolution 4000 x 3000 File Format Exif 2.2 (JPEG) Lens Aperture f/2.8 â?? f/8.0 (W), f/4.9 â?? f/14 (T) Optical Zoom 3X Optical Zoom Digital Zoom 4X Digital Zoom Normal Focus Range 30cm (1.0ft.) â?? time Macro Focus Range 3 - 50cm (W), 30 â?? 50cm (T) Shutter Speed 15 â?? 1/1500sec Image Stabilization Yes ISO Sensitivity Auto, 80 - 1,600 Exposure Metering Evaluative, Centre-weighted average, Spot White Balance Auto*, Daylight, Cloudy, Tungsten, Fluorescent, Fluorescent H, Underwater, Custom Movie Clips Available Viewfinder Not Available Display Size 2.5 progress Flash Hotsoe Not Available Built-in Flash Yes Flash Range (Wide) 30cm â?? 3.2m Flash Range (Tele) 30cm â?? 2.0m Storage Types SD/SDHC Memory Card, MultiMediaCard, MMC Plus Card, HC MMC Plus Card Battery Lithium-ion Battery â?¢ NB-6L AC PC Connectivity USB 2.0 Packaged Contents Contents May Vary* Warranty 1-year Limited Warranty by Authorized Distributor PERHATIAN,,,,!!!!! SEBELUM ANDA MEMULAI BELANJA , MOHON DIBACA TERLEBIH DAHULU PETUNJUK-PETUNJUK DIBAWAH INI. ================================================================== I. CARA BELANJA ONLINE SBB, 1. Silakan lihat-lihat produk sesuai yang Anda inginkan di katalog produk 2. Bila anda tertarik suatu barang dan ingin melakukan pembelian segera hubungi designer kami. Isi Pemesanan Barang: Nama/No.KTP ................................ Alamat lengkap: ........................ ...... Kota: .................................. No telp/ hp: .............................. Pesanan: 1. ..................................... ............. 2. .................................... SYARAT & KONDISI: * 100% asli Original * Masih bersegel prefabricated in JAPANâ?? * Saya jamin anda puas dengan produk yang anda pesan. * Harga sudah termasuk biaya kirim JAMINAN GARANSI: Kami memberikan jaminan garansi untuk semua produk yang dijual. Yakinlah semua produk yang anda beli dilengkapi dengan Sticker / Kartu Tanda Untuk menghindari modus penipuan yang sedang marak dalam belanja online, pastikan Anda berhati-hati dan tidak tertipu oleh pihak-pihak tertentu.apa bila produk yang anda pesan tidak bersegel/rusak barang bisa di kembalikkan/tukar.dan pembayaran anda akan kami kembalikkan Utuh. ALAMAT: KOMP. BATAM RAYA CITRA BUANA PARK BLOK L NO.125 KAMPUNG SERAYA BATAM (KEPULAUAN riau) Pemilik & Penanggung Jawab: NAMA : LATIF PERMANA. SURAT IZIN USAHA PERDAGANGAN (SIUP MENENGA) : NOMOR : 510/2.-007 DISKTKM & PDRINDAG/ 2008 SIUP DI ATAS TERDAFTAR DI Kep.RIAU UNTUK BERDAGANG SECARA JUJUR DAN MENHINDARI HAL-HAL YANG TIDAK DI INGINKAN BERSAMA Kuasa hukum. BAMBANG IRAWAN, SH BEBERAPA BUKTI NOMOR RESI PENGIRIMAN TIKI JNE KAMI DAN BISA ANDA CEK KEBENARANNYA DI WEBSITE JNE - 1327958030002 kirim ke Pangkal Pinang - 1327958040001 kirim ke jakarta - 1327958050000 kirim ke yogyakarta - 1337078010006 kirim ke Pangkal Pinang - 1337077990002 kirim ke Malang - 1337078000007 kirim ke Jakarta - 1337077280004 kirim ke Bekasi - 1327957320005 kirim ke Palembang - 1337076320008 kirim ke Palembang - 1337076290004 kirim ke Jakarta - 1337076300000 kirim ke Djakarta - 1337076280005 kirim ke Malang - 1337076310009 kirim ke Kupang - 1337075740005 kirim ke Semarang Kepuasan anda suatu ke banggaan kami,trimah kasi atas kerja samanya Custom HTML Bawah
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Rp 2,720,000.
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JL.Kh.Hasyim Ashari No.125 Sentral Jakarta 10150
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